Child of a multiple birth
CANPATH_0000016 |
Number of siblings with liver cirrhosis
CANPATH_0000264 |
Number of individuals supported by income
CANPATH_0000022 |
Lifetime occurrence of liver cirrhosis in siblings
CANPATH_0000263 |
Household income before taxes
CANPATH_0000021 |
Number of siblings with chronic hepatitis
CANPATH_0000266 |
Number of adults in the household
CANPATH_0000024 |
Lifetime occurrence of chronic hepatitis in siblings
CANPATH_0000265 |
Number of individuals supported by income - categorical
CANPATH_0000023 |
Number of siblings with major depression
CANPATH_0000260 |
Number of siblings with diabetes
CANPATH_0000262 |
Age highest level education completed
CANPATH_0000020 |
Lifetime occurrence of diabetes in siblings
CANPATH_0000261 |
CANPATH_0000008 |
Lifetime occurrence of stroke in siblings
CANPATH_0000249 |
Date of questionnaire completion
CANPATH_0000007 |
CANPATH_0000009 |
Number of siblings with high blood pressure
CANPATH_0000246 |
Questionnaire version
CANPATH_0000004 |
Current quantity of red wine consumed on weekend days
CANPATH_0000488 |