All terms in CANPATH

Label Id Description
Ever had colonoscopy CANPATH_0000035
Number of siblings with systemic lupus erythematosus CANPATH_0000276
Last fecal occult blood test CANPATH_0000034
Lifetime occurrence of irritable bowel syndrome in siblings CANPATH_0000271
Number of siblings with ulcerative colitis CANPATH_0000270
Lifetime occurrence of eczema in siblings CANPATH_0000273
Ever had dental professional visit CANPATH_0000031
Number of siblings with irritable bowel syndrome CANPATH_0000272
Last routine medical check-up CANPATH_0000030
Highest level of education completed CANPATH_0000019
Marital status CANPATH_0000018
Lifetime occurrence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in siblings CANPATH_0000257
Number of siblings older than participant - categorical CANPATH_0000015
Current quantity of liquor or spirits consumed on weekdays CANPATH_0000499
Number of siblings with chronic bronchitis CANPATH_0000256
Number of siblings older than participant CANPATH_0000014
Current quantity of beer consumed per week - categorical CANPATH_0000498
Lifetime occurrence of major depression in siblings CANPATH_0000259
Adopted CANPATH_0000017
Number of siblings with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease CANPATH_0000258