All terms in CANPATH

Label Id Description
Lifetime occurrence of high blood pressure in siblings CANPATH_0000245
Regional cohort dataset name CANPATH_0000003
Current quantity of red wine consumed on weekdays CANPATH_0000487
Number of siblings with myocardial infarction CANPATH_0000248
Questionnaire administration format CANPATH_0000006
Lifetime occurrence of myocardial infarction in siblings CANPATH_0000247
Questionnaire administration language CANPATH_0000005
Current quantity of red wine consumed per week CANPATH_0000489
Lifetime occurrence of emphysema in siblings CANPATH_0000253
Number of biological sisters CANPATH_0000011
Current quantity of beer consumed on weekdays CANPATH_0000495
Number of siblings with asthma CANPATH_0000252
Number of biological brothers CANPATH_0000010
Current quantity of white wine consumed per week - categorical CANPATH_0000494
Lifetime occurrence of chronic bronchitis in siblings CANPATH_0000255
Number of biological siblings - categorical CANPATH_0000013
Current quantity of beer consumed per week CANPATH_0000497
Number of siblings with emphysema CANPATH_0000254
Number of biological siblings CANPATH_0000012
Current quantity of beer consumed on weekend days CANPATH_0000496