All terms in VZ

Label Id Description
Taking Concurrent Medication 3 VZ_0000069
Weeks Ago Individual Started Smoking VZ_0000187
Ever Defaulted ART treatment VZ_0000066
Manufactured Cigarettes Smoked Daily VZ_0000188
Taking Concurrent Medication 1 VZ_0000067
Has the participant consented to be informed about their HIV results VZ_0000181
Shortness of breath after exercise or physical activity VZ_0000060
Participant Has Diagnosis Other than TB that requires referral to the clinic or hospital VZ_0000182
Wake up at night because of difficulties in breathing/shortness of breath VZ_0000061
Failed to refer Positive Sputum case to Clinic or Hospital VZ_0000180
Cigars or Cheroots Smoked Weekly VZ_0000196
Stopped Concurrent Medication 1 VZ_0000075
Cigars or Cheroots Smoked Daily VZ_0000197
Stopped Concurrent Medication 2 VZ_0000076
Piped Tobacco Cigarettes Smoked Weekly VZ_0000194
Adherence Concurrent Medication 4 VZ_0000073
Cigars or Cheroots Daily VZ_0000195
Adherence Concurrent Medication 5 VZ_0000074
Stopped Concurrent Medication 5 VZ_0000079
Cigars or Cheroots Smoked Weekly VZ_0000198