All terms in PLCO

Label Id Description
Heart Attack (SQX) PLCO_0000118
Heart Attack (SQX + BQ) PLCO_0000119
Daily Frequency of White Sauce - DHQ PLCO_0001449
Daily Frequency of Other Vegetables - DHQ PLCO_0001448
Stroke (SQX + BQ) PLCO_0000116
Age at Stroke (SQX) PLCO_0000117
Daily Frequency of Vegetable Medley - DHQ PLCO_0001447
Daily Frequency of Plain Veal, Venison, and Lamb - DHQ PLCO_0001446
sugar (fructose + galactose + glucose + lactose + maltose + sucrose) (NDS-R) from candy, chocolate (g/day) PLCO_0000599
Family History of Unknown Type of Cancer (SQX) PLCO_0000114
Stroke (SQX) PLCO_0000115
Daily Frequency of Turkey - DHQ PLCO_0001445
sugar (fructose + galactose + glucose + lactose + maltose + sucrose) (NDS-R) from cakes, regular (g/day) PLCO_0000598
Daily Frequency of Water Packed Canned Tuna - DHQ PLCO_0001444
sugar (fructose + galactose + glucose + lactose + maltose + sucrose) (NDS-R) from cakes, lowfat (g/day) PLCO_0000597
Family History of Leukemia (SQX) PLCO_0000112
Family History of Other Cancer (SQX) PLCO_0000113
Daily Frequency of Oil Packed Canned Tuna - DHQ PLCO_0001443
sugar (fructose + galactose + glucose + lactose + maltose + sucrose) (NDS-R) from cakes, cookies, pies, pastries (g/day) PLCO_0000596
Daily Frequency of All Tomato/Vegetable Juice - DHQ PLCO_0001442