All terms in PLCO

Label Id Description
Daily Frequency of Sausage - DHQ PLCO_0001416
Mono-Unsaturated Fatty Acids from Plant Sources (g/day) - DHQ PLCO_0000569
Daily Frequency of Regular Salad Dressing on Salad and Vegetables - DHQ PLCO_0001415
Fruit - Pyramid Servings/Day from Pears - In Season PLCO_0001899
Mono-Unsaturated Fatty Acids from Meat Sources (g/day) - DHQ PLCO_0000568
Daily Frequency of Nearly No Fat Added Salad Dressing on Salad and Vegetables - DHQ PLCO_0001414
Fruit - Pyramid Servings/Day from Peaches - In Season PLCO_0001898
Mono-Unsaturated Fatty Acids from Fish Sources (g/day) - DHQ PLCO_0000567
Daily Frequency of Low Fat Salad Dressing on Salad and Vegetables - DHQ PLCO_0001413
Fruit - Pyramid Servings/Day from Other Juice PLCO_0001897
Mono-Unsaturated Fatty Acids from Eggs (g/day) - DHQ PLCO_0000566
Daily Frequency of Saccharine in Coffee and Tea - DHQ PLCO_0001412
Other Fruit - Pyramid Servings/Day PLCO_0001896
Mono-Unsaturated Fatty Acids from Diet (g/day) - DHQ PLCO_0000565
Daily Frequency of Rice and Grains - No Fat Added - DHQ PLCO_0001411
Fruit - Pyramid Servings/Day from Oranges - Out of Season PLCO_0001895
Mono-Unsaturated Fatty Acids from Dairy Sources (g/day) - DHQ PLCO_0000564
Daily Frequency of Rice and Grains - Fat Added - DHQ PLCO_0001410
Fruit - Pyramid Servings/Day from Oranges - In Season PLCO_0001894
Mono-Unsaturated Fatty Acids from Animal and Dairy Sources (g/day) - DHQ PLCO_0000563