All terms in PLCO

Label Id Description
Daily Frequency of Tuna, Tuna Salad, and Tuna Casserole PLCO_0002387
Milk, Nonfat/Skim (g/day) - DHQ PLCO_0001056
Daily Frequency of Fresh Grapefruit - Year Round PLCO_0002397
DQX Foods: Frequency Response Groupings PLCO_0000056
White Potatoes and Potato Salad (g/day) - DHQ PLCO_0001066
Daily Frequency of Fruit, Including Beverages PLCO_0002396
Pork Chops (g/day) - DHQ PLCO_0001065
Daily Frequency of Cruciferous Vegetables Excluding Cole Slaw, Cabbage, and Sauerkraut PLCO_0002395
Pastas, Cooked Cereals, and Rice (g/day) - DHQ PLCO_0001064
Daily Frequency of Cruciferous Vegetables PLCO_0002394
All Meat Excluding Ham, Bacon, Sausage, Hot Dogs, and Cold Cuts (g/day) - DHQ PLCO_0001063
Daily Frequency of Frozen Yogurt, etc. PLCO_0002393
All Meat Excluding Ham, Bacon, Sausage, Hot Dogs, and Non-Poultry Cold Cuts (g/day) - DHQ PLCO_0001062
Daily Frequency of Yogurt PLCO_0002392
All Meat Excluding Ham, Hot Dogs, and Regular/Low Fat Cold Cuts (g/day) - DHQ PLCO_0001061
Daily Frequency of Wine and Wine Coolers PLCO_0002391
All Red Meat Excluding Hamburgers, Steak, Pork Chops, Bacon, and Regular Sausage (g/day) - DHQ PLCO_0001060
Daily Frequency of White/Cheese Sauce PLCO_0002390
Processed Meat - Ham, Bacon, Sausage, Hot Dogs, and Cold Cuts (g/day) - DHQ PLCO_0001069
Daily Frequency of Fresh Tomatoes - Year Round PLCO_0002399