Lift Weights (SQX)
PLCO_0000185 |
Daily Frequency of Salad Dressing and Mayonnaise
PLCO_0002364 |
Cakes, Cookies, Pies, and Pastries (g/day) - DHQ
PLCO_0001033 |
DHQ Foods: Grams Groupings
PLCO_0000038 |
Daily Frequency of White Rice
PLCO_0002363 |
Butter, Regular (g/day) - DHQ
PLCO_0001032 |
Lift Weights - Frequency (SQX)
PLCO_0000186 |
Daily Frequency of Wild and Brown Rice
PLCO_0002362 |
Butter, Reduced Fat (g/day) - DHQ
PLCO_0001031 |
Garden (SQX)
PLCO_0000183 |
Garden - Frequency (SQX)
PLCO_0000184 |
Daily Frequency of Raisins
PLCO_0002361 |
Frozen Yogurt, Ices, Sorbet, etc (g/day) - DHQ
PLCO_0001030 |
Daily Frequency of Prunes
PLCO_0002360 |
Calisthenics or Exercise - Frequency (SQX)
PLCO_0000181 |
Calisthenics or Exercise (SQX)
PLCO_0000182 |
Dance - Frequency (SQX)
PLCO_0000180 |
Fruit (g/day) - DHQ
PLCO_0001039 |
Daily Frequency of Vegetable/Tomato Soup
PLCO_0002369 |
Citrus Fruits (g/day) - DHQ
PLCO_0001038 |