All terms in ELSABRASIL
Label | Id | Description |
use of lipid-lowering drugs | ELSABRASIL_0002699 | |
medications | ELSABRASIL_0002215 | |
major ST-T abnormalities isolated | ELSABRASIL_0001367 | |
diastolic BP lying 3rd meas | ELSABRASIL_0000036 | |
medications | ELSABRASIL_0002216 | |
smaller Q waves with ST-T abnormalities | ELSABRASIL_0001366 | |
diastolic BP lying 2nd meas | ELSABRASIL_0000035 | |
right bundle branch block | ELSABRASIL_0001369 | |
HR lying 2nd meas | ELSABRASIL_0000038 | |
use of ophtalmic beta-blockers | ELSABRASIL_0002697 | |
medications | ELSABRASIL_0002213 | |
use of other anti-hypertensive drugs | ELSABRASIL_0002698 | |
medications | ELSABRASIL_0002214 | |
left bundle branch block | ELSABRASIL_0001368 | |
HR lying 1st meas | ELSABRASIL_0000037 | |
stroke - parents(any age) | ELSABRASIL_0002691 | |
use of diuretics | ELSABRASIL_0002692 | |
high frequency - HF (1/ms) lying | ELSABRASIL_0001361 | |
ITB e MUP sem outra ativ entre elas | ELSABRASIL_0000030 | |
stroke - mother(any age) | ELSABRASIL_0002690 |