revascularization - parents (<60y)
ELSABRASIL_0002666 |
metropolitan area (if retired)
ELSABRASIL_0001334 |
ELSABRASIL_0000003 |
specify who could give a reference for a job interview
ELSABRASIL_0000487 |
revascularization - family (any age)
ELSABRASIL_0002667 |
recruitment State
ELSABRASIL_0001333 |
ELSABRASIL_0000002 |
knows somebody who could give a reference for a job interview
ELSABRASIL_0000486 |
maximum heart rate (bpm) standing
ELSABRASIL_0001336 |
initial date
ELSABRASIL_0000005 |
specify who could babysit
ELSABRASIL_0000489 |
revascularization - father (<60y)
ELSABRASIL_0002664 |
revascularization - mother (<60y)
ELSABRASIL_0002665 |
minimum heart rate (bpm) standing
ELSABRASIL_0001335 |
age (wave 1)
ELSABRASIL_0000004 |
knows somebody who could babysit
ELSABRASIL_0000488 |
nonspecific intraventricular block
ELSABRASIL_0001370 |
left ventricular hypertrophy with ST-T abnormalities
ELSABRASIL_0001372 |
systolic BP standing 3 min
ELSABRASIL_0000041 |
right bundle branch block with left anterior hemiblock
ELSABRASIL_0001371 |