All terms in ELSABRASIL

Label Id Description
QT interval ELSABRASIL_0001410
medications ELSABRASIL_0001894
able to enjoy things like before last 30d (G2) ELSABRASIL_0000563
QRS axis ELSABRASIL_0001413
medications ELSABRASIL_0001897
sad/depressed for more than 3h last 7d (G7) ELSABRASIL_0000566
score word test - 3 attempts ELSABRASIL_0002741
score word recall in word test ELSABRASIL_0002742
P axis ELSABRASIL_0001412
medications ELSABRASIL_0001896
number of days sad/depressed last 7d (G6) ELSABRASIL_0000565
rastreable creatine - urine ELSABRASIL_0002780
diagnosis syndromic or etiological ELSABRASIL_0001448
robbed more than once: when last ELSABRASIL_0000117
description of other findings ELSABRASIL_0001447
robbed only once: when ELSABRASIL_0000116
calcium - urine ELSABRASIL_0002778
reason for hospitalization (single) ELSABRASIL_0000119
creatinine - urine ELSABRASIL_0002779
description of diagnosis ELSABRASIL_0001449