All terms in ELSABRASIL

Label Id Description
medications ELSABRASIL_0001739
bicycle transport (minutes per day) ELSABRASIL_0000408
frequency margarine ELSABRASIL_0000881
seasonal consumption cream cheese ELSABRASIL_0000880
seasonal consumption margarine ELSABRASIL_0000883
description of poor image quality - retinal photograph ELSABRASIL_0001730
margarine portion (knife tips) ELSABRASIL_0000882
butter portion (knife tips) ELSABRASIL_0000885
evaluation abnormalities LE ELSABRASIL_0001732
walks (days in week) ELSABRASIL_0000401
frequency butter ELSABRASIL_0000884
evaluation abnormalities RE ELSABRASIL_0001731
people live in home suffered violence ELSABRASIL_0000400
duration of diabetes ELSABRASIL_0002615
medications ELSABRASIL_0001767
knows somebody who fixes household equipment ELSABRASIL_0000436
medications ELSABRASIL_0001766
specify who owns car ELSABRASIL_0000435
obesity ELSABRASIL_0002616
common mental disorder score ELSABRASIL_0002613