All terms in ELSABRASIL

Label Id Description
red wine glasses per week ELSABRASIL_0000416
frequency pork meat ELSABRASIL_0000899
medications ELSABRASIL_0001746
stopped drinking alcohol due to medical advice ELSABRASIL_0000415
medications ELSABRASIL_0001749
rarely/doesn't consume red wine ELSABRASIL_0000418
medications ELSABRASIL_0001748
less than 1 red wine glass ELSABRASIL_0000417
white wine glasses per week ELSABRASIL_0000419
frequency cow belly ELSABRASIL_0000890
seasonal consumption cow belly ELSABRASIL_0000892
cow belly portion (laddle) ELSABRASIL_0000891
cow meat with bone portion (medium piece) ELSABRASIL_0000894
medications ELSABRASIL_0001741
walking transport (minutes per day) ELSABRASIL_0000410
frequency cow meat with bone ELSABRASIL_0000893
medications ELSABRASIL_0001740
frequency cow meat without bone ELSABRASIL_0000896
medications ELSABRASIL_0001743
consumes alcohol ELSABRASIL_0000412