specify who helps in moving house
ELSABRASIL_0000473 |
myocardial infarction - mother (<60y)
ELSABRASIL_0002655 |
OTC, sporadic drug - 15
ELSABRASIL_0001323 |
knows somebody who helps with shopping when sick
ELSABRASIL_0000476 |
myocardial infarction - parents (<60y)
ELSABRASIL_0002656 |
OTC, sporadic drug - 14
ELSABRASIL_0001322 |
specify who helps in domestic chores
ELSABRASIL_0000475 |
recruitment method
ELSABRASIL_0001325 |
knows somebody who can lend a lot of money if needed
ELSABRASIL_0000478 |
myocardial infarction - brother (<60y)
ELSABRASIL_0002653 |
myocardial infarction - father (<60y)
ELSABRASIL_0002654 |
pregnant during interview (and didnĀ“t know)
ELSABRASIL_0001324 |
specify who helps with shopping when sick
ELSABRASIL_0000477 |
knows somebody who is a good advisor for workplace conflicts
ELSABRASIL_0000470 |
diabetes - mother (any age)
ELSABRASIL_0002648 |
OTC, sporadic drug - 8
ELSABRASIL_0001316 |
specify who could get a family member a job
ELSABRASIL_0000469 |
OTC, sporadic drug - 7
ELSABRASIL_0001315 |
ELSABRASIL_0001799 |
knows somebody who could get a family member a job
ELSABRASIL_0000468 |