conflict of interest section
IAO_0000616 |
[A part of a document used to declare any competing interests regarding the authors and/or funding organization for the work described in the document.] |
obsolete2_report figure
IAO_0000059 |
[A report figure is a report display element that has some aspect of illustration, but may be a composite of figures, images, and other elements] |
code set
IAO_0020020 |
[An information content entity that is a collection of other information content entities that has been created to identify or annotate things in a specified domain, and where the intention of its creators is that the collection has a one-to-one correspondence with those things.] |
author summary textual entity
IAO_0000610 |
[A textual entity, distinct from the abstract, that describes the significance and broader context of the document content. The author summary is often written in a non-technical manner and is aimed at both scientists and non-scientist readers, e.g as described in the article submission guidelines for PLoS Genetics (] |
availability section
IAO_0000611 |
[A part of a document about a resource described in the document, e.g. software, that describes where and/or how that resource can be obtained.] |
availability textual entity
IAO_0000612 |
[A textual entity expressing the location of a resource, e.g. software, or the manner in which a resource can be obtained.] |
IAO_0000055 |
[A rule is an executable which guides, defines, restricts actions.] |
conditional specification
IAO_0000001 |
[A directive information entity that specifies what should happen if the trigger condition is fulfilled.] |
BFO_0000002 |
[An entity that exists in full at any time in which it exists at all, persists through time while maintaining its identity and has no temporal parts.] |
BFO_0000001 |
BFO_0000003 |
[An entity that has temporal parts and that happens, unfolds or develops through time.] |
material entity
BFO_0000040 |
[An independent continuant that is spatially extended whose identity is independent of that of other entities and can be maintained through time.] |
contour plot
IAO_0000057 |
IAO_0000179 |
[A histogram is a report graph which is a statistical description of a
distribution in terms of occurrence frequencies of different event classes.] |
family name
IAO_0020017 |
[An identifier that is typically a part of a person's name which has been passed, according to law or custom, from one or both parents to their children.] |
abbreviations section
IAO_0000606 |
[A part of a document where abbreviations and their long-forms used within the document are listed.] |
spatial region
BFO_0000006 |
immaterial entity
BFO_0000141 |
author information section
IAO_0000607 |
[A part of a document about the authors that provides biographical information and may discuss how the authors' professional experiences are relevant to the work described in the document.] |
author information textual entity
IAO_0000608 |
[A textual entity expression information about an author of a document. This information may include biographical information and may discuss how the authors' professional experiences are relevant to the work described in the document.] |