All terms in CANPATH

Label Id Description
Ever used chewing tobacco or snuff CANPATH_0000537
Drug code from the Drug Product Database (DPD) - medication 5 CANPATH_0000774
Number of cigarettes smoked per day, heaviest quantity, if 26 or more - current daily or former daily smokers CANPATH_0000532
Name - medication 5 CANPATH_0000773
Number of cigarettes smoked per day, heaviest quantity - current daily or former daily smokers CANPATH_0000531
Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) code (match) - medication 5 CANPATH_0000776
Ever smoked cigars CANPATH_0000534
Brand name of medication from the Drug Product Database (DPD) - medication 5 CANPATH_0000775
Duration heaviest cigarettes consumption - current daily and former daily smokers CANPATH_0000533
Ever used nicotine gum CANPATH_0000539
Drug code from the Drug Product Database (DPD) - medication 6 CANPATH_0000781
Name - medication 6 CANPATH_0000780
Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) code (match) - medication 6 CANPATH_0000783
Ever used paan CANPATH_0000541
Brand name of medication from the Drug Product Database (DPD) - medication 6 CANPATH_0000782
Ever used betel nut CANPATH_0000540
Drug code from the Drug Product Database (DPD) - medication 4 CANPATH_0000767
Number of cigarettes smoked per day - former daily smokers CANPATH_0000525
Name - medication 4 CANPATH_0000766
Age started smoking cigarettes daily - former daily smokers CANPATH_0000524