All terms in CANPATH

Label Id Description
Walking MET-minutes/week at work CANPATH_0000583
Father skin cancer CANPATH_0000341
Average time of walking at work CANPATH_0000582
Father rectal cancer CANPATH_0000340
Frequency of traveling in a motor vehicule CANPATH_0000585
Father bladder cancer CANPATH_0000343
Lifetime diabetes type CANPATH_0000101
Total work MET-minutes/week CANPATH_0000584
Father kidney cancer CANPATH_0000342
Lifetime occurrence of diabetes CANPATH_0000100
Frequency of walking at work CANPATH_0000581
Moderate MET-minutes/week at work CANPATH_0000580
Total vigorous activities MET-minutes/week CANPATH_0000569
Lifetime occurrence of cancer in mother CANPATH_0000327
Average time of walking CANPATH_0000568
Lifetime occurrence of cancer in father CANPATH_0000326
Lifetime occurrence of cancer in children CANPATH_0000329
Lifetime occurrence of cancer in siblings CANPATH_0000328
Frequency of moderate activities CANPATH_0000565
Lifetime occurrence of arthritis in children CANPATH_0000323