All terms in CANPATH

Label Id Description
Lifetime occurrence of high blood pressure in mother CANPATH_0000225
Children cancer, other specify CANPATH_0000467
Lifetime occurrence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in mother CANPATH_0000231
Skin reaction to the sun CANPATH_0000473
Lifetime occurrence of chronic bronchitis in mother CANPATH_0000230
Current use of artificial tanning equipment CANPATH_0000472
Lifetime occurrence of diabetes in mother CANPATH_0000233
Time spent in the sun on typical weekend days CANPATH_0000475
Lifetime occurrence of major depression in mother CANPATH_0000232
Time spent in the sun on typical weekdays CANPATH_0000474
Exposure to light at night CANPATH_0000471
Frequency trouble to sleep CANPATH_0000470
Lifetime occurrence of ulcerative colitis in father CANPATH_0000217
Children non-Hodgkin's lymphoma CANPATH_0000459
Lifetime occurrence of Crohn's disease in father CANPATH_0000216
Number of children with thyroid cancer CANPATH_0000458
Lifetime occurrence of eczema in father CANPATH_0000219
Lifetime occurrence of irritable bowel syndrome in father CANPATH_0000218
Lifetime occurrence of diabetes in father CANPATH_0000213
Language first learned - Punjabi CANPATH_0000697